Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Christmas Story

The Christmas Story
“What is the Christmas story?” you might ask.  Is it just a myth?  A fairy tale made up by some crazed maniac?  Or could it be just a pack of lies?  A story told by one man in order to make the whole world believe something that could not possibly be true. Well, what do you think?  How about a story told by a good man, who wanted to give the world a higher calling or a desire to live?  I don’t think so.
How could a crazed man come up with such a wondrous story as the one of Christ?  Would a wicked sinner curse others that were the same as he is?  Surely a good person would not have told this story.  For in doing so, they would make their own goodness to be a lie.
No, I don’t think that man in any aspect could begin to imagine the glory and honor that the Christmas story contains.  That the Lord that made the heaven, the earth, you and me would come down to this sin filled world with pain, sorrow and broken hearts.  He did this so he could dry the tears of the sorrowing and mend those whose hearts had been broken.  No, no man could conceive that story, but I know the One who did.  The Highest being of all ages, the Creator God, the Ruler over the entire universe, it is the story of the Lord Jesus Christ.
So, I really have not answered your question.  That is because I can’t answer it completely, because it isn’t finished yet, we are part of the story.  The story won’t be finished until He comes back to take us home with Him.  Why are we part of that story?  We are the reason that the story began so long ago.  The reason He came down to live among sinful men was us.  Why, WHY, did He care about us all so much?  He wanted us to live with Him in eternity, because He loved us with a greater love than we have ever known or seen here on earth.
That is the reason.  Now you know why.  What are you going to do about it? 
While we were born with a silver spoon in our mouth, He was born in a manger, in a stable!  What can we do to repay Him who loved us so much?  We can do nothing.  We can do nothing to repay him.  The price is greater than our human minds can conceive. 
But what can we do?  We can try to hide our belief in Him like some do.  Or we can live our life being a good person, but never really telling anyone else about what He did for them. 
Or we can show His light, share His news, and give Him the glory that is His due.  What will you do for the One who gave you your life?  Don’t push Him away as you have done so many times before.  Let His light shine from you.

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