Three days and twelve years ago our nation was attacked by The Al-Qaeda. They hijacked three planes and flew them into previously targeted buildings. At the time I was only 2 years old, but I was told about it later. How could they be so cruel. The
Americans that they killed had done nothing to them but they killed them anyway. I'm not sure whether the victims on the plane knew what their destination was but they knew something was going on. One plane flew into the Twin Towers while another flew into the Pentagon. However, there was a victory won by the true Americans that day. There was a third plane hijacked that day, but it never reached its destination. All of the sudden, the patriots on that plane knew they were in a war. Even though it was against what they had planned they were fighting for the things they believed in. Freedom, Liberty, Justice no matter what the cost. So they banded together to take back the plane. They succeeded but at the cost of the lives on that plane. It crashed in a field. Lives were lost that day but lives were also saved. Who knows where the Al-Qaeda would have crashed that plane. Now I'm 14 years old and wonder what would have convinced those Al-Qaeda to crash a plane into a building. Was it fear of a superior officers' punishment had they not followed through. How did they feel with the targets in sight, probably very stupid. "Hey I'm gonna crash a plane with people on board into a building on purpose and kill myself willingly while everyone else dies unwillingly all because I wanted to." I'm still amazed that with all the threats and possibilities of death that befell them, that the patriots on that third plane were able to sum up the courage to fight back for their country's sake. The Bible tells us that we as Christians are to stand fast in the faith and be strong for God(
1Co 16:13). Even though these patriots were fighting a physical battle they are a great example for our spiritual lives in that this world has been taken by the devil's lure. It is our job as Christians to fight with the Word of God and bring America back to God even if it means our very lives.
1 Corinthians 16:13 ¶ Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.
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