Friday, October 18, 2013

In the beginning, God...

In the beginning, GOD created the heavens and the earth. Gen. 1:1
I like those first words; In the beginning, God... It doesn't say Buddha or other so called gods. It just says, God. Creator God. Everlasting God. The "Alpha and the Omega" God. The "Beginning and the End" God. God the Father. God the Son. God the Holy Spirit. The Triune God. The Almighty God.  Yeah, I like that verse a whole lot. It means we did NOT, I repeat, did NOT come from a big boom or an amoeba or a monkey. We came from God. That's it folks. There is no evolution. You are not near as big and bad as you hoped or thought. God says it, that settles it. It's amazing isn't it. I have been to a good number of the fifty states of America. I have driven through deserts, mountains, plateaus, plains, forests, sand dunes, cornfields, and the tropics. I have seen geysers and the Salt Lake, Three of the Great Lakes of Michigan, and I have swam in the Gulf of Mexico. I have been to a number of National Parks and Monuments. I have stood on top of mountains looking down thousands of feet to valleys below and visa-versa. I have seen Old Faithful spout its boiling water from depths below. I have caught bass and hunted deer. I have looked up at night and seen great wonders. I have seen all the great beauty's of America. Yet it seems that many can see all that and say it came from a big bang. Well, let me be the first to say, and I hope you agree, they're wrong. God made the heavens and the earth. Without a question or a doubt, I can say with the Bible as my proof that God created the heavens and the earth.

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